Edge is representing an edge between Nodes.
Edge is an object representing a connection between Nodes with some additional properties.
An edge object contains three attributes: label, color and style which mirror corresponding graphviz edge attributes.
ingress = Nginx("ingress")
metrics = Prometheus("metric")
metrics << Edge(color="firebrick", style="dashed") << Grafana("monitoring")
Bundle("Service Cluster"):
grpcsvc = [
Bundle("Sessions HA"):
primary = Redis("session")
primary \
- Edge(color="brown", style="dashed") \
- Redis("replica") \
<< Edge(label="collect") \
<< metrics
grpcsvc >> Edge(color="brown") >> primary
Bundle("Database HA"):
primary = PostgreSQL("users")
primary \
- Edge(color="brown", style="dotted") \
- PostgreSQL("replica") \
<< Edge(label="collect") \
<< metrics
grpcsvc >> Edge(color="black") >> primary
aggregator = Fluentd("logging")
aggregator \
>> Edge(label="parse") \
>> Kafka("stream") \
>> Edge(color="black", style="bold") \
>> Spark("analytics")
ingress \
>> Edge(color="darkgreen") \
<< grpcsvc \
>> Edge(color="darkorange") \
>> aggregator
Colors & Styles
Usericon("Alice") << Usericon("Bob")
Edge with label attribute
Usericon("Alice") << Edge(label="Sample Label") << Usericon("Bob")
Edge with dashed line
Usericon("Alice") << Edge(color="firebrick", style="dashed") << Usericon("Bob")
Edge with dotted line
Usericon("Alice") << Edge(color="firebrick", style="dotted") << Usericon("Bob")
Edge with bold line
Usericon("Alice") << Edge(color="firebrick", style="bold") << Usericon("Bob")